
The Revival Of African Fabric Manufacturing Industry

The Revival Of African Fabric Manufacturing Industry

African fabric manufacturing industry is a diverse industry as compared to others. The cotton is manufactured and then sold all over the world as African cotton. It is quite sought after, but as time has progressed, they have their own industries that process the raw form and sell it in the form of yarn or thread.

This industry took a lot of time to thrive, but it is known worldwide. Let's have a look at its important aspects.

African Fabric Manufacturing Industry

The African fabric manufacturing industry is the most widespread all over Africa, providing livelihood to many of its residents. The raw cotton form is exported to many countries, which brings a lot of revenue to the country. Though, South Africa has gotten into more fabric manufacturing industries from the cotton industries.

Now many well-known companies producing fabrics have opened their industries in Africa like H&M. the main reason is the cotton and thread made here, and the wages are a lot lesser as compared to other countries, which becomes the main driving force for the fabric manufacturing industries.

Impact Of AGOA On African Fabric Manufacturing Industry

With the alliance of the US, a pact African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) was signed with them. Its main purpose is to aid African places like Ethiopia in their growth by utilizing and making the best use of the industry.

Through AGOA, the USA has opened its doors to many fabric industries in the Saharan areas. It provides leverage to both countries as the cost of production in Africa is lesser, and at the same time, it is good for the capital of America and Africa.

African Fashion Industry

The African textile industry has always welcomed investors with open arms, which is one of the reasons for the industry's rapid growth. In the beginning, there was an extreme shortage of infrastructure and equipment, but now a lot of it has been overcome.

The retail trade business of South Africa as of 2018 is $14 Billion. According to the stats a few years back, around 62% of the continent’s export provided the world's fabric industry. It is a great leap for the African fabric manufacturing industry.

The Impact Of African Americans On The Industry

These days, the major impact of African fashion goes hand in hand with the black lives matter movement. It has brought much of African fashion to the world. Some of the fashion trends which we see these days all over American trends are:

  • Hair accessories like flowers
  • Dramatically baggy zoot suit
  • 20’s flapper style jeans or pants
  • Lesser corsets and more flowy dresses

The Future Of African Textiles And Fashion Industry

The most development in the fashion of Africa is seen in the states Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, and South Africa. They have got the most recognition in recent times, and it is said that they will be the future of the African textiles and fashion industry.

If the country keeps growing at this rate, it will work for sure to gain a lot of recognition and flourish.

Bottom Line:

The main hurdle of the African fabric manufacturing industry was the lack of infrastructure. Now that this problem is solved, they have the best raw material, and it will surely make this industry known all over the world soon.

You can visit Perimia to buy these fantastic homemade and beautifully crafted items and let us know what you think of the African textiles and fashion industry and its impact.

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